Monday, August 1, 2016

A Few Bits of News

So, this is just here to give you all a little update on my writing and what you can expect going forward. As you know, I've recently finished my first series, The Kinmark Saga. On the scale of exciting things to happen to me, that was pretty high on the list, but it's not all that's going on. If you've read The Kinmark Saga, you already know that there's going to be more from the world of Fulorn.
What you might not know is that I also just released a novella set in that world. Now, what's a novella, you ask? It's basically what's in between a novel and a short story. My four novels are right around 400,000 words combined. My novella, Ranger, is 21,000. That's on the short end for a novella, but most are within shouting distance of that number.
Ranger itself is a standalone novella. Well, it's as close to a standalone as we're going to get with anything set in Fulorn. There is a larger story that's going to eventually tie everything together, but we're still a long way off from that. For now, Ranger can be read in conjunction with The Kinmark Saga in whatever order you wish. If you want to be in line with my writing, read it after the series.
The story told in Ranger is far from complicated. Unlike The Kinmark Saga, it's told from a single perspective. That perspective is of a woodsman from the city of Ebonia. If you don't remember, Ebonia is a city that was visited very briefly by Mad Jack and a few members of his squad. This story explores the city a bit more deeply, but it's really about the character himself.
That character is, as I said earlier, a woodsman. In case you don't know, that means he spends a lot of time in the forest. Ranger is very much a tale of nature vs. civilization, and the main character is the battlefield between the two. You've probably figured out by now that I like writing about inner conflict. This story is more of the same.
One last thing about Ranger, it's the first in a series called Tales from Fulorn. Much like The Song of Creation, this series isn't a series in the same sense as something like The Kinmark Saga. Rather, Tales from Fulorn is what I'm going to call any standalone novella set in Fulorn. There shouldn't be much in the way tie-ins, so don't read Ranger expecting more from those characters.
Now, onto a couple of updates on what I'm writing next. First of all, I needed a break from Fulorn. The Kinmark Saga was a great and rewarding experience, and Ranger was quick and a lot of fun. But I wanted to do something else when I finished them. My original plan was to write a standalone novel set in Fulorn after completing Ranger. I thought going from a series to a novella to a novel was a good progression and that there was no need to leave Fulorn.
In truth, I don't think I really needed to leave Fulorn. I just needed to write something different, something that wasn't epic fantasy in its strictest form. So, that's what I've been doing. I'm currently working on a story that's as fun as anything I've ever written. It allows me to truly be myself, and that's a scary development for us all. You see, what I'm writing now is a parody of the fantasy genre. In case you don't know, Austin Powers is a parody of spy movies. Yeah, I'm having a lot of fun right now. Stay tuned. I hope to have that available in a couple months. It should be good for a few laughs, one way or another.
As for The Song of Creation, I plan on returning there next. My hope is to have another novel and novella done this year. I don't yet know if the novel will be a standalone or the first in a series. The next planned series is set in the Alliance and will feature the many characters we met there in The Kinmark Saga, but I don't know if I'm going to be ready to tackle that next. There's something else I need to do in Fulorn, and I think I need to hurry up and do it or risk it never being done. We'll see.
I feel like I've rambled a bit, so I'll say goodnight now. Happy reading!

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