Monday, October 3, 2016

On books. Also, on life.

It's a big day for me. Any new release day is exactly that, and that is exactly what this is. Bookland came out today. Well, it came out Saturday, but I like to give myself and Amazon a few days to work out the kinks before I announce it on here. Anyway, it's available, and that's a big deal for me. You can find it by clicking that link to your right that says, "Link." But that's not all you'll find by clicking that link. As the words above it say, it will take you to my Amazon Author Page. That's sort of the portal for all my books. If you go to it, you'll also see, among a couple other things, the four books in The Kinmark Saga. If you then click on them, you'll see that they're all on sale this week for just $0.99. I'm hoping the combination of a sale (a huge sale, if I'm being honest) and a new release will make this week and month a special one. After all, it is Booktober.
I really do hope you'll try my books if you haven't done so already (duh). Those precious few of you who have tried them seem to have liked them so far, and I'm eager to see if that continues with Bookland. If you've been reading this blog the last week or so, you know that it's far different from The Kinmark Saga or any of my other works set in Fulorn. It's a weird mixture of parody and grimdark. Conceitedly, I could describe it as a blending of Terry Pratchett and Joe Abercrombie, but I'm not nearly full enough of myself to think that's true. At least, I don't think it is in terms of quality. In terms of style and feel, on the other hand, it might not be too bad of a description. Feel free to read it and let me know.
Now, that's enough about my books for the moment. If we know anything, it's that I'll be sure to tell you more about them later on in my eternal effort to fill my wallet with your hard earned dollars. For now, I'd like to relay an experience I had yesterday. First though, I need to tell you something else. Don't worry, I'll be quick.
So, I watch TV shows. You probably do to. You might even watch some of the same ones I do. You might have even watched the one I'm going to be talking about. What show, you ask? The Good Place, I answer. If you're not aware, The Good Place is a new show in which a woman dies and goes to the show's version of Heaven. The catch is that she's not supposed to be there, and things keep going wrong because she's basically crashing the system. Yes, it's a comedy.
What I want to talk about is the Heaven depicted on the show. Aside from the mishaps caused by the main character, the community looks quite a bit like suburban life in America or any other first-world country. There's frozen yogurt and communal events with friends and plenty of restaurants to dine in. Of course, there are fantastical things like flying, but the basic structure is very similar to the life most of us lead. And that's the realization I had the other day.
Here's how it happened - I was taking my dog out for a walk yesterday afternoon. It was slightly cloudy (with no chance of meatballs, unfortunately) and probably in the 70's. Pretty perfect weather. My neighbors were outside and huddled over the hood of the same truck they've been working on for years. There was a man riding bikes around the neighborhood with his son or grandson. Pretty perfect scene.
In that moment, I for some reason was reminded of The Good Place. I can't honestly say I particularly like the show. I mean, it's decent. I'll probably keep watching it for a while, but it's not like I sit around and think about it all day. But I did in that moment. It struck me then that we sure do have it pretty darn good. I know that's not true for everyone, and I know even our good lives are far from perfect. But I also know that I can take Hank for a walk whenever I want and not worry about being shot. I know my neighbors can stand there working on their truck or riding their bikes. It's easy to get caught up in all the negative stuff we see every day online and on the news, but life's pretty great. We should all remember that a little bit more and maybe yell at each other over politics or whatever else a little bit less.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that life is good if you'll just let it be. Of course, it'll be a lot better if you find a good book to read. I have several of those, by the way. You should read them.

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