Wednesday, July 1, 2015

One Story

So, you've read my little bio, and you weren't scared off. That's good. I usually consider it a win if people see my writing and don't run to a corner somewhere to weep in private. In the event that you did not read the post "One Guy" because you just don't really care about all that bio stuff and just want to find out what the one story is all about, you're in luck! This post is all about that one story. The one story to rule the mall. Or them all. It just depends if you're a bigger fan of places where the elderly go to get their exercise or JRR Tolkien. Your choice.

As to the one story, it's actually several stories, not one story. Then why the title, you ask? Why anything? Because I want, that's why. Also, because it is all actually one story. And several stories. And several series with several stories within them. The one story, the largest of all my stories, the story that encapsulates all the others, is affectionately thought of as The Song of Creation. With a title like that, you've probably surmised that I'm writing in the fantasy genre (beware of magic, swords, and strange names). The title might change. It is a bit reminiscent of Martin's ASOIAF, and my worst nightmare is me being accused of plagiarizing or taking advantage of one of my favorite authors. Or any author, for that matter. But for now, that's the title.

I know I said there was an outline for my one story in my last post, but I lied. I do that. What I have for this largest view of the story I'm telling is more of a general idea. I could sum up the entire story, in its biggest form, in a page or two. I'd do that for you now, but it would be one mess of a spoiler. Instead of spoiling what will surely turn into a billion dollar book and movie franchise, I'll just tell you that it's very, very big and that it spans a great deal of space and time. And space-time.

Terrible pitch, right? Who's going to start a series because the author says just that? No one. Not you, not me. But, that's just the overarching story that sits behind all the others. It's always there, but it won't really come to the forefront for quite a while. If you're a fan of fantasy, The Song of Creation is comparable to Sanderson's Cosmere Cycle except that each of my individual series will be more connected than his. And also will be much less awesome, I'm sure. Seriously, check out Brandon Sanderson if you haven't already.

Alright, to summarize what I've tried to say so far, I'm writing an epic fantasy series called The Song of Creation. It's my one story. I'm the one guy. Thus the title of this blog. And my one story will actually be made up of several connected series. The first of those series is called The Kinmark Saga. The plan is for it to be four books long. I already have the first of those books, The Last Kinmark, completed and am working on the second, The Guilt of the Innocent. On a side note, coming up with titles is pretty fun.

Unlike my one story in its entirety, I do have an outline for The Kinmark Saga. But again, how much do I tell you about it? When I tell people that I have written a book, they all ask the same question. "What's it about?" I have found that describing my book is much harder than writing it. I need to find a way to hook people without spoiling the story. Now seems as good a time as any to learn how to do so. I may fail miserably, but I'll give it a shot.

There's this group of people called the Kinmarks. They're members of a race called the Tytans (I like to spell real words wrong as some part of me thinks it adds to the fantasy feel). The Tytans, who are rather large but otherwise appear normal, live in a world with regular-sized people. The world is called Fulorn. The time period and technology for The Kinmark Saga resembles that of antiquity. Think Roman Empire type times. Anyway, the story initially follows the Kinmarks as something new enters their world and throws their traditions into a state of upheaval. Other characters and places are also dragged into things throughout the book and series as the problems of the Kinmarks cause problems for many others.

If that description was too vague for you, then you'll just have to read the book. Seriously, please read my books. I need feedback (and money).

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